Screaming Silence

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Art – Lonely

When the wind went silent

I wondered if you missed me

Then the sun hit my neck

And I remembered how you kissed me

Staying away will be hard

When I want you this bad…

Continue Reading: Screaming Silence.


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I gave my heart
to the birds
and watched them feed
graciously on it;
ripping it apart and gulping
the blood that spewed.

I threw my heart
on the highway
while watching the trucks
climb over it with speed;
splattering it everywhere
with no hope of repair.

I spat my heart
from my mouth
into the toilet sink
like mucus from a flu
and opened the tap to the end
to wash off every stain.

I gave my heart
to you wholeheartedly
with no insurance or whatsoever
only to watch you treat it
like each scene
in the verses above.

~Posted by ~


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You will never know how much you hurt me
When you left that day
You will never know the pain you put me through
When you started to doubt my love for you
You will never know how much you made me cry
For not being there when I needed you
You will always keep doing your things,
without caring about me
Because in reality all your lies were excuses
Your excuses were a way to hide your feelings
I think you will never understand
that your words were more than words
They were lethal to the heart
They were thorns so sharp
It’s something that will take time to heal
But never impossible to forget.

~ Jenny M.~

A Heart Played

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You told me you loved me,
I believed it was true.
I gave you my heart, entrusted it to you.
You juggled it, threw it and tossed it aside,
Left me crying, bleeding and dying inside…

You claim that you’re scared of the pain I could cause,
but your heart I’ll protect without any pause.

My love for you is real, we both know it’s true,
but yet you insist on leaving me blue.

One day you will see and know that it’s true,
But another will have come
And my heart no longer beats for you.

~ KJ2 ~

Lost Love


How could you say you loved me and never let your feelings show
How could you say you cared when you left me unaware
When I said I loved you I bet that’s when you knew,
The relationship had to end and you would never speak of it again.
I believed I loved you for reasons only I could see
But yet you deprived me of your love and broke my heart in three.
Though I can not dwell on that for broken hearts can mend
And thought I know my love for you will surely never end
There’s always a space within my heart that thinks of you again and again.

~ KJ2~



Chocolate Feast

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All alone I sit and I reflect,
Not a thing happened and I do regret,
Within I’d starved, I hungered to eat,
From a fantastic spread of “Sweet Chocolate Meat”,
What now is this? A meal I did miss?
Of melons and berries, and roasted brown buns,
Delicious cooked meats not gotten with guns,
I’ll taste these sweet berries to start and to sample,
Then down to these melons so tempting and ample,
I reach and I grab and start to get bold,
For this Fine Chocolate dish and now I do hold,
So soft and warm held in tender embrace,
I know it’s delicious approaching my face,
Such an occasion dress up and attire,
This Chocolate Cuisine has my body on fire,
What to me it seems just so darn unreal,
I waited so long for such a great meal,
Daydreaming of matching desire to cleave,
My eyes opened as Chocolate had started to leave,
“Oh NO!”, place settings are cleared without haste,
Admiring the meal and without a mere taste,
Mild panic set in as I wanted to scream,
Removing the Chocolate and taking the cream,
I was too slow and wanting to savor,
Should’ve dove right in to get all the flavor!!!

~ Kelvin Jordan ~