Screaming Silence

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Art – Lonely

When the wind went silent

I wondered if you missed me

Then the sun hit my neck

And I remembered how you kissed me

Staying away will be hard

When I want you this bad…

Continue Reading: Screaming Silence.

Fake Smile

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Smiling thru the tears it’s what we all do best

But there comes a time we get things off our chest.

The loved ones gone,

The hurt of moving on,

The ones we can’t have,

Years of pain from memories past.

Putting up a great facade

We smile and keep going like nothings odd.

Adjustments to life’s ups and downs

While the pain we feel is real profound.

At some point we must reveal our wounds

Before our joy it all consumes.

Each experience is a learning lesson

There’s good in everything, it’s about perception.

Let the peace of God enter your heart

Start with a smile and keep praying through the other part.


Have You Ever Been Broken?

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I know I said “I forgive you” and I truly believe I do. However, every now and then, I relive the smacks you threw. My sweetheart, my love, are you some man I never knew? Never thought you would allow your hands to harm me and inflict such pain, the inner torn more than the outer and now my heart appears stained. You have done very little, roses just weren’t enough. Maybe you should still be saying “I’m sorry” and trying to make this up. It was easy to forgive you when sorrow was trapped in your eyes. But now it’s as if it never happened and we’ve just moved on with our lives. Well I discovered today that my heart still cries. I’ve tried to see you in the same light, sometimes it follows through. Then other times I stare into your eyes without the faintest clue. You are my lover, my man that I may have never knew.

To read the story behind this poem click the Book Cover !

Shared via ~The Relationship Stuff~

A Smile – Haiku

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Smiles of hearts broken

To brighten another’s day

Heal in their own way!


Teresa Marie  1/12/12 ©

Post via A Smile – Haiku.


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I gave my heart
to the birds
and watched them feed
graciously on it;
ripping it apart and gulping
the blood that spewed.

I threw my heart
on the highway
while watching the trucks
climb over it with speed;
splattering it everywhere
with no hope of repair.

I spat my heart
from my mouth
into the toilet sink
like mucus from a flu
and opened the tap to the end
to wash off every stain.

I gave my heart
to you wholeheartedly
with no insurance or whatsoever
only to watch you treat it
like each scene
in the verses above.

~Posted by ~

I Died Today…

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I died today from a broken heart.
I warned you I couldn’t take more pain.
That didn’t matter, you didn’t refrain.
Will you attend the services
Will you take any blame
When you see my kids will you feel shame.
Two months from now will you remember my name.
I died today from a broken heart…








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You will never know how much you hurt me
When you left that day
You will never know the pain you put me through
When you started to doubt my love for you
You will never know how much you made me cry
For not being there when I needed you
You will always keep doing your things,
without caring about me
Because in reality all your lies were excuses
Your excuses were a way to hide your feelings
I think you will never understand
that your words were more than words
They were lethal to the heart
They were thorns so sharp
It’s something that will take time to heal
But never impossible to forget.

~ Jenny M.~

A Heart Played

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You told me you loved me,
I believed it was true.
I gave you my heart, entrusted it to you.
You juggled it, threw it and tossed it aside,
Left me crying, bleeding and dying inside…

You claim that you’re scared of the pain I could cause,
but your heart I’ll protect without any pause.

My love for you is real, we both know it’s true,
but yet you insist on leaving me blue.

One day you will see and know that it’s true,
But another will have come
And my heart no longer beats for you.

~ KJ2 ~

Lost Love


How could you say you loved me and never let your feelings show
How could you say you cared when you left me unaware
When I said I loved you I bet that’s when you knew,
The relationship had to end and you would never speak of it again.
I believed I loved you for reasons only I could see
But yet you deprived me of your love and broke my heart in three.
Though I can not dwell on that for broken hearts can mend
And thought I know my love for you will surely never end
There’s always a space within my heart that thinks of you again and again.

~ KJ2~



A Mended Heart

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